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Gas leak at Downtown Campus: All clear.
Historical image of students at PCC West Campus

Historic Timeline: 1970-1979


  • The College graduated its first class of 16 respiratory therapists
  • The College officially opened in August and enrolled 3,543 students. Classes were held in a hanger at the Tucson International Airport until the West Campus construction finished (5 of 11 buildings were not completed)


  • Construction on the West Campus was completed and students began attending classes in the 11 buildings


  • The Board of Governors renamed the College to Pima Community College to better reflect its mission statement
  • 218 students graduated from the College’s first two-year program


  • The College became the local agency sponsor for the Tucson area’s Skill Center.  This unit is now called the Center for Training and Development, and is located at the Desert Vista Campus.


  • The Downtown Campus opened in a remodeled post office building.  The campus has since grown to 15 different buildings


  • The Community Campus was established as a supplement to traditional on-campus education
  • The North Central Association of Colleges and Schools fully accredited the College


  • The College established the East Education Center, which would later be replaced by the East Campus
  • Fall enrollment grew to over 20,000 students


  • With its emphasis on practical education and basic technology, PCC is one of the influences responsible for IBM’s move to Tucson


  • The first year the College enrolled more female than male students. That ratio has stayed consistent through today

Hanger at Tucson International Airport

PCC staff member

Community Campus at 21 East Speedway

West Campus classroom

Eastside Education Center, established in 1976

West Campus students

Next: 1980-89

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